CFCP Outreach Projects


Three’s Trumpany

What happens when Donald Trump comes between us? In our first CFCP outreach video, we compare two simple models for understanding the significance of polarizing figures - like President Trump.

Drawing on work in progress by CFCP Director Mark Schroeeder, the video explores a thought that is a real development of a question asked by the philosopher Christian Barry after Schroeder’s Passmore Lecture at the Australian National University.

If you find the video thought-provoking or leaving you with more questions than you started with, we encourage you to follow up with the first episode of our CFCP Podcast, Go Deeper, and with the other followup materials linked to below.

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Conflict, Discord, and Strife

In this Lecture video, CFCP director Mark Schroeder presents the key ideas at the center of his current research about conflict in interpersonal relationships - the particular kind of conflict that he calls discord.

Discord happens when people are not able to overcome their conflict by trying to communicate more clearly about their own interests and needs. How can people who care deeply about one another fall into persistent conflicts over sometimes very small and unimportant things? Schroeder takes a stab at one possible explanation of why this is essentially inevitable.